Has God performed a miracle in your life? Has LivePrayer helped you enrich your personal spiritual life? Your unique experience could inspire someone who is struggling with a difficulty or challenge in their life. It could be the key to helping a lost soul find Jesus and through Him, salvation.
Your nightly live TV program and daily devotionals have truly saved me from giving up hope.......giving up on myself. I have created such almost unbearable problems in my life, yet, your message of God's promise and love for mankind....helps me go on....second to second. Thank you! I pray that your ministry stays strong for so many people need to hear your encouragement that God's love is our hope. Thank you.
The Lord has blessed me with being a single parent for almost 9 years now. I have walked in Glory and by his Grace thru cancer, and many other trials in the past 8 years. I have 11 years clean and sober and a Christian now for 11 yrs. I give all glory and PRAISE to Him for all of the gifts in our lives today. How could anyone doubt the POWER of God??? My faithful prayer for 3 years now has to been to be able to move into a bigger place, in a child friendly neighborhood, by my daughter�s school. As to my health, it makes is hard now to get her to school every morning and pick her up, etc. Last weekend, it seems like the Lord just put a new home in my hands!!! So, tonight is our last night here in this small one bedroom and we have a new home - right across the street from her school - right next door to her best friend. (There is not one child in this neighborhood we've been in for 6 years. Not one.) The Lord has just opened every single door!!!
It is a huge 4 bedroom 2 bath, huge yard, for the same rent I pay here for this one bedroom!! Praise Him!! I have been reading my daily devotional from you for 2 years - faithfully every morning upon awakening after time alone with my Lord, and it has inspired me so much. I sent a prayer request in a few months ago, and God has answered the prayer. There was a lot of fear at first, am I ready to move? And I am ready to leave my little "comfort zone" rut??? Haha! But I know that I need to walk through the open doors and TRUST him, not just praise Him but trust Him. James 1:17 says that all good and perfect gifts are from God, so I know that my daughter and I will be fine as long as we continue to stay in His Word and be faithful to God. Thanks for all of your support. Thank you for being a servant for the Lord and carrying such a powerful message every day. I look forward to my devotional every morning from you. They are very real, and very inspiring! God bless you and your family. And thanks again.
Some time back, I wrote to you requesting prayer for my wife and my financial problems. I was waiting for a project to start and it was dragging along and starting my wife to worry. You wrote me back and told me to hang in with God and that you would be praying for us. Well, I just wanted you to know that the prayer worked and I will finally start the job next week. PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!! And thank you so much for your help and reassurance. The Lord is faithful even when we are not. Thank you again Bill and may God bless your great work.
This is my first time sending an e-mail to you. I was very moved by the devotional today - more than usual. I just wanted to thank you for adding something very special to my life. Over the past months, your writings have inspired me to increase my daily time in prayer, time I spend reading the Bible, and has inspired me to return to weekly church attendance. Many of the readings have taught me new ways to interpret God's Word, and how He wants me to live my life. I realized that I was working too much, not spending enough time with my husband and daughter, and was too tired by Sunday to attend or enjoy church. Over the past few months I have made many changes in my life, and now I work part time and enjoy a lot more quality time with my family. And I make time to spend alone in prayer or Bible study, and attend church almost weekly. Your daily words have truly brought me more peace, joy, and love into my life, and have brought me so much closer in my relationship with Jesus Christ. I look forward to your continuing ministry.
I want to thank you for your prayers. I really feel that America should count its blessings these days each time we see a rainbow after a storm. With the "Gay Marriages" now in full swing across our country, I am fearful of God's wrath. He must be deeply hurt by the savage way that our country seems to be shaking its fist at his laws. I know that we are in the end of times and hope that you will continue to speak with the authority that God has given you. I think of you as a modern day Jeremiah. God's Blessings on you.
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