A group of hands with thumbs up with a lightly cloudy blue sky in the background. Inspire and enrich spiritual life.

Has God performed a miracle in your life? Has LivePrayer helped you enrich your personal spiritual life? Your unique experience could inspire someone who is struggling with a difficulty or challenge in their life. It could be the key to helping a lost soul find Jesus and through Him, salvation.

I have written once before, where I shared some personal thoughts, opinions and beliefs with you. Today I am writing to let you know that I don't know how I got signed up to LivePrayer and the Daily Devotionals, but it came at a very serious time in my life. I had just lost my husband of 33 years suddenly, only weeks before your emails started coming in. I was shaken to my core and your posts of The Word lifted me up and brought my heart back to what my head has always known - that God is the true Father of us all and brings us comfort and caring in our time of earthly troubles. I want to thank you again for your work. I am sure you are reaching hearts and minds where ever it is read or seen. I wanted also to share with you. My daughter was in Prison (a violation of her parole), and I began to send her copies of your devotionals with my letters each week. I also began to write Bible passages on the outside of the envelopes going into the US Mail and to the prison. She began to share the devotionals with her fellow inmates and to attend the Church and Bible classes offered in the Prison. Many women saw your devotionals, and many prison workers saw/read the envelopes too. They began to ask my daughter to "share" each time the letters from home arrived. She shared with them and many asked to keep the devotionals. When my daughter was released, many of the women inmates asked her to KEEP SENDING the Devotionals to them. Many women told my daughter they had shared them with family on the outside too! Many waited each week to see what words I took from God's words and put on the envelopes. If only one person comes to know and love Jesus then I will be happy with my decision to plaster those big envelopes with the Truth of our Lord! I am so sorry that so many people do not get it. I hope that they will be reached and I will keep trying to help them hear Jesus "knocking" on the doors of their hearts. Thank you Bill Keller for coming into my computer and my life with the words I needed to hear, and thank you for the goodness of your whole staff.
Another inspirational message. Thank you and may God richly bless you and your ministry. Your devotionals inspire and challenge me every day. It is my morning cup of coffee. I pray each morning that I will be a blessing to someone and will have the opportunity to share Christ with someone. I pray for you every day.

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